How and what to learn to devote to web design?

Learning web design encompasses so many disciplines that make the title "web designer" something abstract. If we see job offers that are looking for a web designer we can find many combinations of these disciplines: HTML, SQL, Javascript, WordPress, SEO, accessibility, usability, e-commerce, PHP, etc.

What is the profile of the web designer?

One of the first questions we can ask ourselves if we want to introduce ourselves professionally in the creation of websites is whether or not we should learn to program, learn code. It is the first screening and debate, not only companies but also professionals who create websites are not programmers although they have the basic knowledge to solve basic functions of a web project. Then there are those that come from the world of programming for which the code is not a problem but combining colors, choosing fonts, thinking about usability and interface design is something they do not control. Web design and development training in Bangladesh 
For both there are easy solutions to the detriment of the value of the profession, I mean the use of templates, code snippets, plugins, frameworks, etc. That is, someone without the right knowledge can get to create a web project but it will surely limp in some aspect: design, usability, SEO, performance, etc.

Although there are specific profiles of each discipline: designer or programmer, someone who wants to understand the whole process must at least in their training stage approach all disciplines, they must learn from prototyping to optimizing a website.

Once you have understood the process, you can specialize in UX, SEO, WPO or any of the acronyms that make up the titulitis of what we have always known the web designer, his web developer brother or as my friend Luis Alarcón coined a few years ago the web developer.

What should I learn?

Once you understand that it is an interdisciplinary profession you will understand that a monographic course of HTML will not be enough, you should choose your training itinerary well. To give you a real example, a few years ago, specifically at the beginning of the century I attended a Master in Seville where I learned this process, the complexity of that interdisciplinarity, the multitude of web projects that could arise and especially the ephemeral of everything I learned, subjects You expire as Macromedia Director or Flash in which I invested a lot of time.

Today, as a teacher, I try to create a useful and as short as possible itinerary for my students. It is impossible to guess the technologies or languages that will succumb over time so I try to bet on the safe ones. All are constantly evolving but knowing their bases is very important whether or not we use WordPress themes created by third parties, some CSS / JS framework such as Bootstrap or Foundation, preprocessors such as SASS or LESS. Any of these options are part of a professional's real job but require extra investment in learning them without the assurance that they will last. Diploma in web design and development

A web design professional today and I think that for a long, long time you should know about prototyping, interface design, HTML, CSS. These are the bases that will last, others that will last at least a few years are PHP, Javascript, and WordPress.

This has been the commitment to the first promotion of the TECHNICAL MASTER'S DEGREE IN GRAPHIC DESIGN, WEB, and CREATIVITY, they have learned the process and worked on their Master's Degree project creating a professional website.

Now it will be the market, its aptitudes, and ambitions that will determine the path of its professional trajectory always taking into account that never, never, it is necessary to stop forming.

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