20 tips for posting content on your business page

1 Post a maximum of 1 or 2 times a day.

2 Vary the type of content between posts with links and posts with images (always adjusted to the correct size). Typically, a post with an image will get more reach (especially if it has more than one image), and a post with a link will get more clicks. It all depends on your goal.

3 Facebook is now assessing the most worked texts and the time that the user stops in his scroll to read it. That is why it is better that you put a slightly more elaborate description and not just the headline or a word.

4 The theme of the hashtags does not work on Facebook at the level of thematic searches, but it does serve to make the text more visual. It is good that you put one in the main keyword of the post.

5 Disseminate the posts you publish on your fan page in industry groups. And much better if you share the post from your Facebook page, so it appears that the post is from the fan page and adds interactions and reach.

6 If you have a blog, don't post each new article on Facebook just once when you publish it. You must schedule several posts of each article at least over the next three months, changing the description or the image.

7 Also, from time to time, revisit blog posts that have become outdated and relaunch them on Facebook.

8 Study the best time to post based on the time of day your followers are most active.

9 Try to publish videos, and if they are life, the better. Videos are proven to drive more engagement and get your followers to spend more time on your profile.

10 Use a chatbot for Facebook Messenger. You can program some automatic responses from the Facebook menu itself.

11 If you do pay campaigns from the Ads Manager, I recommend that you test and try different versions of the same ad. This way you can analyze which one is more successful and invest more in it.

12 Analysis is key: use the options provided by Facebook or find software to manage the social network that allows you to know the main interaction data, likes, followers, clicks, and conversions...

13Get to know your audience better through Audience Insights. If you know her from her gender from her, age range, and location ... you can better target her.

14 If you publish a link in your post, remember to remove it from the text and keep only the preview that is made of it.

Do you want to increase your FB page or post engagement, if so please visit the following links https://insta-likes.shop/facebook-fanpage-likes/

15 Facebook stories: a way to attract the public that prefers to know the news through stories and, if interested, visit the profile.

16 Events on Facebook are another great tool that can help you get more visibility and return. You can create webinars, courses, workshops, or broadcast direct.

17 If you offer a service that requires an appointment, add the agenda to Facebook so that your clients can book their appointment directly from your fan page.

18 Check the meta descriptions. I recommend that you use a plugin to know if the SEO of your page is adequate. In this way, when you share links on Facebook you will have a good meta description, thumbnail image, etc.

19 Continuing with the plugins, it is important that you have one installed that allows the visitor to share that post or page on their networks.

20 Follow the official Facebook page and subscribe to their blog to be 100% up to date.

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