Helmet, belts and child seats: Sud tail light in road safety

In the southerners, the black jersey in terms of prudence behind the wheel: between seat belts unfastened, children in cars without a seat and motorists on their cell phones, there is little to be

At least one rule is clear to us: the motorcycle helmet must always be worn. And in fact, almost anyone who rides a scooter or motorcycle in Italy (90%) protects his head. But in the South, unfortunately, there are still those who allow themselves the luxury of carrying it lose or tied to the least bad. The southerners still underestimate the risks of the road, demonstrate the alarming data of the Ulysses project, conducted by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità together with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. The report assigns the black road safety jersey to the South. Although the study - to be honest - is not representative of a very large sample of the population (only 185,000 Italians, 14.8% of the total, scattered in 19 places on the peninsula), however, reveals some dangerous bad habits.

Belts, nobody uses them behind. Seat belts, these unknown. To flea to motorists it is discovered first of all that - but it was not a secret - almost no one uses the rear belts (10%). It is also surprising that the inhabitants of Campania, Puglia, and Calabria manage to do without even the previous ones, considering that less than 35% remember to tie them before departure. Yet their use is an obligation under the highway code (article 172). Who is caught without, whether it is a driver or passenger, risks five points on the license and an administrative penalty from 81 to 326 euros?

In spite of everything, however, the relationship between Italians and belts has improved significantly in the last decade. Mandatory by law since 1988 but mistreated during the 90s, their use has increased significantly since 2003, the year of entry into force of the points license. Since then, while in Northern Italy their employment has remained almost constant, on average around 80%, in the Center it has undergone a slight but progressive decline (-5%) and in the South a disturbing decline (-20%). So much so that today we have almost returned to the values ​​prior to the advent of the points license, despite the various awareness campaigns on road safety. Yet at least one piece of data should make us reflect on their importance and encourage us once and for all to wear them: those without a belt have a doubled risk of death in a car accident compared to others. If we all carried it we could avoid over 300 deaths a year.

Child seats. The scarce use of child seats is equally perplexing. About 60% of Italians risk a fine every day (provided for both non-use and incorrect use), the Ulysses report reveals. In practice, only four out of ten children are properly anchored to the seat. The rest are exposed to danger. In the South and the islands, only 16.7% of the parents surveyed said they used it. Yet, even in this case, the Highway Code is clear: passengers of less than 1.50 m in height must be secured to the seat with an approved restraint system suitable for their weight (there are five different types). When the child exceeds the height limit, the obligation ceases and seat belts can be used. According to the World Health Organization,
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Smartphone, sworn enemy of the guide. The use of the mobile phone behind the wheel, widespread especially in the city - according to the study - stands at a very low average, equal to 5.2%. Yet this survey, carried out with questionnaires or telephone surveys, is a blunt weapon, unsuitable for framing the true extent of the phenomenon, especially in a summer in which there are continuous accidents caused by the use of apps such as Niantic's Pokemon Go: “With we know how many people use mobile phones while driving - explains Marco Giustini, head of the Ulysses system - however, in order to correctly estimate the excess risk we should know both those who use the mobile phone improperly and how long they do it ".

In 75% of cases, road accidents are caused by distraction. Among the first causes is the use of the smartphone to chat, play and take selfies, as the Aci #GuardaLaStrada campaign aimed at young people reminds us. Read even a message on your cell phone while driving at high speed on the highway, in fact, it means walking blindly tens of meters. Remember that law prohibits the use of mobile phones while driving, except if you use hands-free devices or earphones, provided that you have adequate hearing skills in both ears.

The driver must have his hands free to be able to keep them on the steering wheel and not be distracted. Whoever is discovered with a smartphone in his hand risks a fine from 161 to 646 euros, with an accessory penalty of suspension of the driving license from one to three months, if the same person makes a further violation over a two-year period and the reduction of five points from the license.

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