Psychic abilities by date of birth, zodiac sign. psychic ability test

Clairvoyance is the ability of a particular person to perceive information that remains inaccessible to the perception of most people. How clairvoyance manifests itself - we will talk about this in this material.

Clairvoyance is the inner vision of a person. With clairvoyance, the information comes in images, symbols, and signs. The ordinary senses are not involved in this - the so-called "third eye" is solely responsible for clairvoyance.

Most mediums and psychics use this way of seeing reality objectively. If you have ever seen his work, you may have noticed that when the psychic focuses on something, he looks away.

At the initial stage of the development of clairvoyance, the images that a person begins to see are very fleeting, it is quite difficult to distinguish them. It is for this reason that most people cannot notice them and are lost.

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Also in esoteric literature, one can read that if a person has the gift of clairvoyance, he supposedly falls into a three-dimensional dimension. In reality, a person who is just beginning to wake up is simply receiving images of future events, which can come in the form of sights, sounds, and, in some cases, words. Each individual interprets them in his own way.

When you develop your skills and have enough experience, the same images will come to you, which you will learn to understand using your own interpretation scheme. It is important to remember the peculiarities of the information you receive above, you can even keep a special diary in which you write down everything unusual that happens to you. As a result, you will receive your own psychic dictionary to interpret the information received with the help of a gift from above.

Signs that indicate clairvoyance

It is possible to establish that he has begun to show extrasensory abilities by the presence of certain "symptoms":

The appearance of very vivid, vivid images is observed, which remain engraved in the memory for a long time.

A person cannot wear a watch, because he always feels the exact time randomly.

When such a person deals with the arrangement of his home, he always knows in advance exactly where it is better to place this or that object in order to improve energy flows.

At the first sight of a person, a novice psychic intuitively feels what diseases he is suffering from, even if the latter looks simply wonderful.

Through a telephone conversation, a clairvoyant is able to describe his interlocutor even if he has never seen him before.

If you put "more" in front of at least half of these points, clairvoyance is probably hidden in you. Never try to suppress them!

Many people, when faced with something unknown that defies logical explanation, freak out and try to isolate themselves from it as much as possible. Therefore, let us not succumb to the provocations of television programs that show us not entirely correct images of clairvoyants with crystal balls in a room full of smoke. The time has come to dispel established stereotypes.

Clairvoyance is only a faculty of the mind's eye. Having approached this topic from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to mention the area located in the area between the eyebrows (the famous "third eye"), which is associated with the pituitary gland.

Clairvoyants prefer wide, open, and well-lit spaces. It is important for them to see all the details of what is happening so that nothing is left behind the scenes for them.

When a person can develop the clairvoyant ability to a high level, he will be able to use his gift not only for the benefit of himself but also to help the people around him. Many clairvoyants work with law enforcement to help locate missing objects or people and to apprehend criminals.

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Clairvoyance and clairaudience testify to a person's contact with other worlds (parallel realities). Each of us, from the moment we are born, has our own guardian angel, but not everyone has the ability to contact him and correctly interpret the indications received from him.

But some, especially sensitive people, can still make a connection with their guardian angel, who begins to show (or whisper) about the upcoming events of the future or the past. With the help of these actions, the Angel seeks to save his ward from any trouble.

In most cases, the gift of clairvoyance manifests itself in very pure souls at a high level of development. People with such a soul are very compassionate and merciful. It should be noted that each person by nature has certain inclinations for the gift of clairvoyance, but not everyone is capable of developing these abilities on their own. Only the Overmind determines who is worthy to use such a talent. The elderly, the disabled, the blind, and illiterate children can act as seers ... If the Almighty decided to reward a person with supernatural abilities, in this case, the nearby angels will help the person to develop this gift.

Angels can answer absolutely any questions, but not all information can be shared with strangers, and some cannot be expressed even by those closest to you. Clairvoyants must adhere to certain restrictions and prohibitions, which are unacceptable to violate; otherwise, the higher powers can block the source of the superpowers.

Many clairvoyants help heal other people, but they themselves suffer from certain pathologies. So, for example, the famous seer Vanga helped others all her life, but at the same time, she did not see her patients, because at a young age due to a natural disaster she lost her normal vision. And the famous predictor of the future, Nostradamus, who foresaw the future of kings and empires, constantly battled epilepsy.

Very often, the gift of clairvoyance is revealed in a person after severe tests and physical or mental suffering. Such cases occurred very often in Russia: blessed people can be named clairvoyants, of which there were many.

The gift of clairvoyance does not come to such a person, it must be deserved, suffered, or tortured in the true sense of the word. But, having acquired such amazing abilities, a person changes a lot: all the delights of worldly life for him are now in the background, from now on his first and main duty of him is to help others, those who love him. they need.

Exercise how to open your inner vision

You will need to create the necessary atmosphere for it. Prepare a small white candle for this exercise. Then follow these steps:

Sit in a comfortable position with your body completely relaxed; release any muscle tension.

Light a candle and place it next to you.

Relax your eye muscles and, without looking up, look at the flame. At the same time, your eyes will begin to water, then you need to lower your eyelids and close them with your palms so that total darkness appears in front of you.

Visualize as if the candle flame is now flickering at a point just above the eyebrow. Wait until it disappears.

Sit for a while with your eyes closed, and then complete the ritual. Let the candle burn out completely.

After this exercise, you can put your psychic abilities to the test. For example, when you are on the phone with a stranger, close your eyes and listen to the other person's voice. Let your intonation and words completely fill your space, push the logical mind to the background, giving free rein to your intuition.

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