Tips for having great sex on the first date

A very important aspect of relationships is sex and it is not always given the importance it deserves. Many women no longer wait for the second, third or fourth date to have their first sexual encounters and many of these encounters occur on the same day the person is met. But it does not matter when it is because fears, doubts, insecurities always arise ... But relax, because we have some tips to have good sex on the first date and, above all, so that you both want to repeat.

How to have great sex on the first date

The goal is to have a sexual encounter fable on that first date that has all the earmarks of ending the sheets. The objective, too, is that the next morning you will not regret anything and that is why we have some advice.

1Protection. Don't forget condoms on your first dates, but don't forget condoms on your next dates either. You will not only protect yourself from a possible and unwanted pregnancy, but also from a contagion of a sexually transmitted disease (TTE). Many men use reverse gear; If this is the case with your date, refuse outright and you will avoid possible and future upsets.

to your place or mine. The place of the sexual encounter depends on your customs. There are people who prefer to take their date home because they feel more secure in a familiar environment. On the other hand, there are other people who prefer someone else's house in case they have to run out the next morning.

3 Perfect environment. Once you have chosen the place, it is time to create an environment where the two of you feel comfortable. Therefore, do not be in a hurry and save yourself a relaxed atmosphere. Music or candles are usually good allies in these cases. You may also be interested in cuckold dating here cuckold sites     

4 The preliminaries. Passion can be one of the factors that leads you to have quick and "express" sex, but for both of you to enjoy equally it is important to know what the other party likes. The preliminaries are the best time to discover what the other likes and also to express what you like.


5 Naturalness. To have good sex on the first date, the basic premise is the same as on a sentimental level: be yourself, be natural and do what you like to do in bed. The sooner you know if you are compatible with sex, the better.

6 Security. We all have our insecurities in bed. Take advantage of the fact that you just met that person and they have no preconceptions about you to show yourself more confident, without complexes and without repression.

7 Expectations. Let's be honest and admit that sex on a first date can be great, but it can also be a disaster. Conflicting situations the first time you sleep with someone are the most common and the most you can do is guess if in a second meeting you are going to be able to enjoy fireworks or not.

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