How to become a hacker from scratch

Becoming a hacker: the path

Let us specify one thing: the hacker is seen, in general, as the one who commits computer crimes, but it is not so, a hacker is much more. The concept of hacking is intended as a discipline that serves to learn new things and to solve even complicated problems. So how to become a hacker from scratch, out of nowhere? If you are interested in this computer work, keep reading this article. Today we will explain exactly how to undertake this profession and how to become a professional hacker. Of course, after reading this article you cannot pretend to be already a hacker but you can enter the world of hacking and, starting from the basics, aspire to be a hacker.


This article is therefore designed for inexperienced users and for those novice people who do not know how to move and where to start and who aspire to learn new things about the world of hacking. So let's start from the basics, in order to direct you on the right path. Here are our tips and tricks:

The key to being a true hacker is to learn what a computer is and how it is made. We told you that we would start from scratch. Although it is fairly obvious advice, it is not at all obvious, indeed it is really fundamental!

The second important step is to learn how to use a computer. This is also obvious, but it is necessary as well as using a computer.

Learn a programming language. Do you know what it is? A programming language is a language through which programs (software) can be created. Why learn it? For 2 reasons: the first is that by learning a programming language you understand better how a computer is made and how it works and the second is that it makes you go deeper and deeper into the world of hacking. We recommend first learning a simple language such as Python and then moving on to more complicated languages such as C ++. It is probably a good idea to use a good platform to get started (Backtrack 5 R3, Kali, or Ubuntu 12.04LTS). You also learn to use UNIX, the Internet operating system. You cannot be a network hacker without understanding this language. for a course Ethical Hacking Training in Dhaka

Train yourself to create simple programs, software capable of performing certain tasks, this will help you gain confidence with programming languages. Write in HTML. If you are unable to program, it is essential to learn the basics of HTML (HyperText Mark-Up Language). For exercise, learn how to make a simple home page and use it as a starting point.

Learn the basics of hacking. How? Learn the basic hacking techniques using the Python language

Get familiar with the web site. You also learn web languages such as HTML, PHP, and Javascript and assimilate techniques such as SQL Injection.

Learn not to leave any trace. This is perhaps one of the most complicated parts of hacking. To learn how to become anonymous online.

Get informed and keep up to date by visiting various sites and blogs such as those dealing with hacking and cybersecurity. We remind you that cracking is an illegal activity that can lead to heavy penalties. It is a serious crime and is punishable by law.

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